Monday, September 22, 2014

Words to Avoid

In the unfortunate event you're involved in a car crash, there are some words to avoid when speaking with the insurance company. Words are powerful. Keep is simple, keep to the facts and keep it truthful.

This immediately implies some sort of fault. Even if the crash is clearly caused by your negligence, let the police officer or the insurance company make that determination.

This is a buzz-word in the industry and sure to get your claim fast tracked for investigation. If you feel you've suffered and injury, get it documented and let the provider submit the report. It's covered! Make the most of your policy when you need it.

On the other hand, stating you are "fine" could signal a rapid closure of your claim. The fact is, with any car crash you should be evaluated because symptoms often do not develop for days or weeks after the incident.  

Insurance companies cover a wide variety of claims. They do not cover intentional acts of negligence. This one word could crush any hopes of damage recovery.

Richard H. Crokin, DC