Monday, February 3, 2014

Prior History

A guy recently came to see me for auto crash related injures. Fairly straight forward as far as whiplash type injuries go. The confounding problem is his prior history; hip fusion and a 3 inch orthopedic sole on his shoe.

Do you think this guy is likely to respond quickly or maybe a bit slower? My vote is slower. His body was "out of whack" before we even started. This will inevitably result in somewhat slower progress.

All cases are different. Before starting care at Fox Chiropractic, we'll go over your prior history and determine if there is anything that may slow your progress. And if I find a problem I'll tell you. If not, I'll tell you. Either way, you'll know where you start!

Call me directly:
Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431.2388