Monday, September 22, 2014

Words to Avoid

In the unfortunate event you're involved in a car crash, there are some words to avoid when speaking with the insurance company. Words are powerful. Keep is simple, keep to the facts and keep it truthful.

This immediately implies some sort of fault. Even if the crash is clearly caused by your negligence, let the police officer or the insurance company make that determination.

This is a buzz-word in the industry and sure to get your claim fast tracked for investigation. If you feel you've suffered and injury, get it documented and let the provider submit the report. It's covered! Make the most of your policy when you need it.

On the other hand, stating you are "fine" could signal a rapid closure of your claim. The fact is, with any car crash you should be evaluated because symptoms often do not develop for days or weeks after the incident.  

Insurance companies cover a wide variety of claims. They do not cover intentional acts of negligence. This one word could crush any hopes of damage recovery.

Richard H. Crokin, DC

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Double Impact Crash

A "tough-guy" contractor came in last week after a double impact car crash. He was rear-ended by a bus and then shoved into the car in front of his. His work truck was totaled and had to be towed away. He was a mess. Surprisingly, a medical doctor at the Urgent Care suggested he come see us.

It's been a week now. He felt a bit better after the first week and by Friday I started hearing him say things like "I feel pretty good," "I'll be OK in a few days," and "This isn't gonna take long."  I knew otherwise...

Monday came around and the first thing out of him was "I feel like I got ran over," "I didn't realize how bad this was," and "This is gonna take a while." 

Injuries to muscles, ligaments and nerves are not like a broken bone where the doctor puts a cast on it, marks the calendar and in 6 weeks it's ready to go. Because we move all day, sit, stand, bend, lift and twist, healing time varies depending on many things; the severity of impact, prior health status and necessary activity levels. 

Car crashes and whiplash take time and regular rehab to fully and appropriately  heal. Let us evaluate your condition, make recommendations and start the process as soon as possible. 

The sooner care begins with us, the sooner you get your life back.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Be Safe; Make a Claim

A brilliant young woman had been treating in our office for straight forward neck and back issues. We were about 4 weeks into her recovery when she presented telling me the night before she was rear-ended. She described being at a stop light when the car behind her "bumped" her. They both got out, determined no vehicle damage had occurred and they both just DROVE AWAY. She figured she would be fine...

24 hrs or so later she developed a headache she attributed to stress from work. The thing was, she rarely suffered headaches, even minor ones. After chatting a bit and suggesting she might consider making a claim to her car insurance, she declined repeating "there was no damage to my car. I'll be OK." Well the nagging headache referred behind her right eye continued.

This went on for nearly 2 weeks when the digestive complaints started. "Maybe I'm getting the flu or something." I thought differently and took an x-ray to confirm or rule out my suspicions. (Although these are not the actual films taken, they represent what we found nicely.) 

The spine has normal curves to support the head and body like a spring against gravity. Think of a banana. It's curved because that's the way it needs to be; like the x-ray on the right. Even low speed accidents can force the banana neck to reverse. This happens because the force of "the bump" is transferred to the occupant in milliseconds. This is WAY faster than the body can respond causing the banana to bend backward. (Bend a banana backward. What happens to the banana inside? Well, that's the spinal cord!) 

Auto accident? Call  Fox Chiropractic  and get checked!

Low Speed Rear End Collision


When stationary, the typical human head weighs about 10-14 lbs. That same head generates 9 X the force of gravity during a 6 mph crash.

Is it any wonder your neck hurts, back aches and head pounds? Can you see how  concussions happen? Are you ready to recover?

I'm available to chat about your options.

 Call me directly
Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431-2388

Monday, February 3, 2014

Prior History

A guy recently came to see me for auto crash related injures. Fairly straight forward as far as whiplash type injuries go. The confounding problem is his prior history; hip fusion and a 3 inch orthopedic sole on his shoe.

Do you think this guy is likely to respond quickly or maybe a bit slower? My vote is slower. His body was "out of whack" before we even started. This will inevitably result in somewhat slower progress.

All cases are different. Before starting care at Fox Chiropractic, we'll go over your prior history and determine if there is anything that may slow your progress. And if I find a problem I'll tell you. If not, I'll tell you. Either way, you'll know where you start!

Call me directly:
Richard H. Crokin, DC
(503) 431.2388