Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Portland Whiplash Injury Recovery

It seems like every morning the local news reports yet another traffic snarl on I-5 or elsewhere resulting from some sort of accident. Maybe somebody was on their phone or just looked away from a second. Maybe they did everything exactly right and were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever the case... That's why they call it "an accident."

The radio tells us almost every day that if our car body gets banged up to take it to Leif's. But what about our own body? What about the aches and pains WE experience after a car crash? Should you go to the ER, urgent care, or family doctor? It only makes sense that if our car goes to an auto body specialist, we should have potential injuries evaluated by an injury specialist.
Look... Chances are you don't have any broken bones or severe internal bleeding. However, a significant percentage of accidents do cause mild concussion or "traumatic brain injuries." Common symptoms include:
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Visual disturbances
  • Memory loss
  • Poor attention/concentration
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Dizziness/loss of balance
  • Irritability-emotional disturbances
  • Feelings of depression 
  • Nausea
  • Loss of smell
  • Sensitivity to light and sounds
  • Mood changes
  • Getting lost or confused
  • Slowness in thinking
This is serious stuff that needs to be dealt with and not just "wait it out!" The longer symptoms and dysfunction persist, the greater the risk of a chronic, life altering condition. 

We'll be here when you need us! (503) 431.2388

Dr. Crokin 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Whiplash and Brain Injury

Whiplash injuries can really rattle a person. Frequently it takes 7-10 days for symptoms to develop. Too often those symptoms are more than just general aches and pains. Too often, dizziness, concentration or memory issues, changes in vision and a whole host of other challenges develop. These are brain based problems.

So now what? Now you find a specialist with the understanding, tools and techniques to provide the PROPER type of rehab. The proper rehab should be directed at stabilizing the affected neurologic pathways. In plain English... fix whats actually broken so you function as well as possible. 

Chiropractic Functional Rehab in NOT just "popping your neck." In fact, that might just be the LAST thing a person needs early on in their recovery. It's a balancing act of provide appropriate therapy without doing too much!

All auto accidents are serious. Contact Fox Chiropractic for your whiplash / concussion evaluation. 


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Auto Accident Injury

  All too often, people involved in an auto accident say, "Ahh, I'm OK. It'll go away." Or maybe their insurance company will convince them to settle before being checked by a professional trained in whiplash injuries. Another big one is the insurance company saying because there was no significant damage to the car, there could not be any significant injury. These are BIG mistakes!

First off, many times pain does not even develop for 2, maybe 3 weeks or more. All the while, scar tissue is forming, nerve irritation is worsening and motion slowly decreases. ANY TIME a person is involved in a car accident, it is important to at least be evaluated by a whiplash specialist. Hidden injuries are sneaky and can be missed leaving the victim set up for nasty problems down the road.

  Next, is the insurance company. Make no mistake! Maybe you have been with them for years and assume they have your best interest at heart. Think again! Insurance companies will go to great lengths to keep their money. They often call within the first few days to offer a settlement that is WAY below that which is deserved. Without documentation of the injury, there is really no case to argue.

Finally, there is the ever popular "No Damage = No Injury." This is absolutely positively FALSE! Car bumpers are made to absorb impact force and minimize external damage. Where do you think that energy goes? It goes straight down the car frame rails and  up through the bottom of the seats.  In a rear end accident, the force drives the body up and back, loading the seat like a sling shot to throw the body forward.

Fox Chiropractic has over 50 yrs combined experience helping people recover from auto accident injuries. We have many different treatment techniques to best suit your particular needs. If you have been in an accident, contact our office to schedule your FREE evaluation. It is that important.

12395 SW 68th Ave - Tigard Triangle
(503) 431.2388

Whiplash Treatment - Portland OR

Whiplash, hyperflexion / extension injury, acceleration / deceleration trauma are often used to describe the same injury and are all typically related to a car accident. Invariably, patients want to know "How long is this going to take?" Here are some basic rules...

Muscles have a very good blood supply and will therefore recover form an injury in around 3-6 weeks

Tendons have less of a blood supply and recover from injury in approximately 2-4 months.

Ligaments have even less blood supply and often require 6-12 months OR MORE to fully recover. 

Clearly, even a low speed accident can cause muscle, tendon and ligament injuries. So the 8-10 mph impact may result in the need for fairly lengthy care. 
Fox Chiropractic Clinic is one of Portland's premier whiplash recovery clinic.

See our web site and schedule your evaluation today. The sooner you begin care, the sooner you get your life back.

Fox Chiropractic Clinic

Whiplash and Concussion

It happens every day. Someone isn't paying attention and in a split second... it's a really bad day!

This happened to a patient a few days ago and he is now recovering at with us at Fox Chiropractic. He was waiting to turn into a parking lot when a vehicle exiting the same lot slammed him. He didn't think too much about it for a few days until he developed a screaming headache. Although out of the norm for him, he went on about his business by using hand-fulls of over the counter meds. A day or so of this and his wife observed irritability, memory issues and loss of appetite. Something was very wrong. 

On examination, the guy could not hold his eyes steady. He could not track an object moving slowly across his visual field. He could not remember 3 easy words after 5 minutes and was very unsteady on his feet. Prime examples of mild traumatic brain injury / post concussion syndrome. 

The good news? He accepted care recommendations based on his neurologic presentation and is now well on his way to recovery fostered by drastic advancements in Chiropractic Functional Neurology.

Auto accident or whiplash? Fox Chiropractic Clinic is a great first place to be evaluated.

For questions about treatment possibilities, contact Dr. Crokin at 503.431.2388