I recently treated of a guy who was involved in a front end accident. The air bag blew, blasted him back against the head rest so hard it broke. The impact of the air bag combined with hitting the head rest actually knocked him out briefly. When he come too and got out of the car he was so shaken up he vomited.
Since then, his memory is fuzzy, concentration questionable, and of course his body hurts like hell. The thing is, he is dealing with a mild traumatic brain injury! He got his bell rung hard and typical chiropractic treatment would probably make him worse.
We understand the delicate connection between brain and body. Doing too much for the body can overstimulate the brain and actually do more harm than good.
If you've been injured in an auto accident it's critical to be evaluated by someone trained to recognize more than the soft tissue / bone-out-of-place stuff. The ability to recognize subtle changes in brain processing is vital to your recovery and your settlement. Call today for your auto accident whiplash injury treatment. We're here for you.
(503) 431-2388